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Tesla Owners Club New York State is a special, targeted group of early adopters marked by their high standards in performance, style, technology, and sustainability - all living locally within the borders of NY State. Below you can get better acquainted with who TOCNYS and its members are and see if we might be a good fit for your business to advertise with.

TOCNYS Members:

  • Growing:  Close to 3,000 members, averaging 60+ new members monthly
  • Local: Comprised of 11 distinct regions across NY State
  • Early Adopters: Willing to be on the cutting edge with the latest tech, welcome new ideas, and have a passion for innovation.
  • Perspicacious Consumers: The majority of these consumers make over $100,000 annually, with 88% of Model S/X drivers being homeowners, and respectively over 50% of Model 3/Y drivers.
  • Connected: Through TOCNYS forums, social media, and other mediums, members love to talk shop and trade info and recommendations with other owners.

Our Platform

The TOCNYS website consists of an active blog, member-driven forums, and tons of bookmark-able resources that keep our members visiting on a daily basis. In addition to our website, we send out a weekly club-wide email newsletter that averages 65% open and 23% click rates (industry standard is 21% and 7% respectively - source). We do our best to only include content that is of value to our members and as a result, our members are engaged and responsive.

Our Advertisers

Traditional, indiscriminate advertising mostly detracts and gets in the way. In contrast, we strive to give our members a different experience when they are interacting with us and our content - to add value in all areas: whether it be website resources, emails, and even our advertising partners. We only work with companies whose products/services are relevant to our members and share our vision to add value in creative ways.