
Help Support the Driving America Forward Act

Want to help help Tesla and stimulate EV ownership in general? Contact your Congressional Representative and ask him or her to co-sponsor and support H.R. 2256, the Driving America Forward Act.

This legislation would raise the limit for Federal tax credits for EV's from 200,000 to 600,000 vehicles per manufacturer. Tesla has already reached 200,00 and its tax credit will phase out completely by the end of 2019.

See CNet's article here for more info

Most effective is to call your rep's Washington, DC office and speak with a staffer, or you can use email, and urge support for the bill. Did the Federal tax credit help you make the decision to buy your EV? If possible, tell your personal story as a constituent.

If you don't already know who represents you in the House of Representatives, or how to contact them, find out here:

The EV Drive Coalition is targeting specific representatives to reach 100 co-sponsors during this legislative session. They have about 27 to go. If yours is on the list below, it's even more beneficial to contact them and ask them to co-sponsor H.R. 2256, the Driving America Forward Act.

About the Author

Founder and President of Tesla Owners Club New York State

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